Individual Therapy

Why do individual therapy?

One-on-one therapy sessions provide the space to work with a licensed therapist who is dedicated to helping you navigate life's challenges and move in the direction you want to go

  • Develop self-insight into your patterns and challenges

  • Learn to regulate your emotions

  • Learn to regulate your nervous system

  • Improve your relationship with yourself and others

  • Become more securely attached and self-assured

  • Learn to understand and communicate your boundaries

  • Develop skills for coping with daily life challenges, anger and stress

  • Better communication skills

  • Improved physical health and sleep

  • Increased happiness and life satisfaction

Sometimes even when you’ve tried so hard to heal and grow, it can feel as though there is yet another layer to unravel, and other times we don’t know where to begin. That can be difficult to navigate alone.

Sometimes you simply cannot see clearly when you look from the inside out or from too close a distance. I aim to walk alongside you as a trusted supportive presence, to guide you to see from a broader vantage point, to support you in your self-exploration and as you take your new skills and insights into your world.

Therapy is an opportunity to remove the masks you show to yourself and to the world and explore what's beneath in a safe, empathetic space.

I believe that therapy is a collaborative process, thus I work with you to create a treatment plan that meets your individual needs and goals. I provide a compassionate, non-judgmental space and am committed to providing quality care to each and every one of my clients. I understand that seeking therapy can be a vulnerable experience, and I strive to create a warm and welcoming environment where you can feel comfortable sharing your thoughts and feelings.

If you're ready to start your journey toward healing and growth, I invite you to schedule a consultation I am here to support you every step of the way.

Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety and depressive disorders are among the most common psychological symptoms and they frequently occur simultaneously or intermittently with one another. Whether or not you've been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety, panic disorder or depression and regardless of whether you take medication, psychotherapy is effective in reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety. Studies show that combining psychotherapy and antidepressant medication is more effective than treatment with antidepressant medication alone, specifically for major depression and panic disorder and seasonal affective disorder (SAD).

Relationship Challenges

Stress and Anger

Complex Trauma

Therapy for complex trauma involves developing a greater understanding of the traumatic experiences and how to make sense of them in the present. This includes learning how to manage the overwhelming feelings and dysregulation associated with complex trauma. It also involves working through the barriers that limit the individual's ability to form meaningful relationships, better manage emotions, and achieve personal goals in a safe and supportive space. Therapy for complex trauma can help individuals learn how to cope with their trauma and lead a more fulfilling life.

Therapy can help people address challenges connecting, communicating, creating boundaries and feeling fulfilled and comfortable in their relationships. Whether it be partnerships, friendships, with colleagues or family members. We are here to connect and a part of feeling fulfilled in life is feeling socially connected and engaged. You might find yourself closing yourself off or finding relationships are wrought with challenges. While that might feel temporarily satisfying/tolerable, we are meant to engage physically, mentally and emotionally with others. Therapy provides a safe, non-judgmental space to explore your relationship challenges and to deepen your capacity to feel more comfortable engaging with others in a way that feels balanced.

Insecure Attachment


Therapy for stress and anger is an important part of a comprehensive approach to managing emotions and improving mental and physical well-being. While there is no one-size-fits-all solution to managing stress and anger, many different therapeutic approaches can be beneficial. My approach is to understand the source of anger and stress before using regulation techniques such as Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT) Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), Schema Therapy and Polyvagal Theory.

If you have an insecure attachment style, therapy can be an effective way to address the underlying issues and help you build a healthier relationship with yourself. Insecure attachment develops when a person's early relationships with their parents or caregivers are inconsistent, unresponsive, or absent. This can lead to difficulty in the ability to trust, form secure attachments, and create supportive relationships. In therapy, you can learn to trust yourself, and build self-connection. You can learn to recognize and respond to your own emotions, understand the dynamics of attachment and relationships, and practice healthy communication. With practice and support, therapy can result in a healthier and more secure attachment style, and ultimately lead to more fulfilling and supportive relationships.

Therapy can help you build up self-esteem and self-worth and self-compassion. Therapy can help you identify the cause of your low self-esteem and negative self-image and help build self-confidence and self-respect and positive self-talk. Having a healthy self-esteem can help you confront any fears or anxieties that are preventing you from achieving the life you deserve and experiencing more fulfilment.